West Wing Wiki
West Wing Wiki

After Josh is hailed as the "101st Senator" in a newspaper profile, he butts heads with a conservative Idaho Democratic Senator who withholds out his approval of a backlog of military promotions to secure an expensive but faulty missile launcher to be built in his home state. In the back corridors, Will gets a flattering offer from the newly approved Vice President while CJ runs afoul of Leo's temper when she does not stick to the adminstartion's scripted line on an EPA report on coal-based energy. Likewise, Amy earns the President's wrath when she pushes for funding of the First Lady's agenda on violence prevention while Toby pieces together a message calendar to stay on point during Bartlet's second term.




Special Guest Stars

Guest Starring



There is a joke told by Amy Gardner to Josh Lyman in this episode which is also repeated in an episode of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip.

Amy says to Josh "So this guy calls his mother; He says; mom, how are you? She says; I'm terrible, I haven't eaten in 38 days. Why haven't you eaten in 38 days? I didn't want my mouth to be full in case you called."

A similar joke is repeated in the episode B-12 of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, the joke is in a dialog between Matt Albie and Harriet Hayes.

Matt Says to Harriet "A jewish guy calls his mother and says; mom, how are you? And the mother says; terrible, I haven't eaten in 38 days. And he says; why haven't you eaten in 38 days? And the mother says; I didn't want my mouth full in case you should call."

Ironically, this joke appeared five episodes after Studio 60 creator Aaron Sorkin left The West Wing.



Vice President Russell: I like loyalty, Will. I respect loyalty. But you can run out the clock on a Bartlet Presidency that in effect is over. You can finish something that you never started in the first place. Or you can shape the next presidency from the ground up. Total access. Coach of the team.


"The West Wing" Constituency of One (2003)

